Rendezvous with the Almighty

I understand there is a power... But I never named it God...
They ask me to look for it in the idols...But I fail...
Although I feel it ... I talk to it…
It responds to me too, in it's owns signs and symbols...
Its omnipresence is a secret yet known to all...
I know it favors me... but sometimes it doesn't...
I fight with it ‘cause I cannot foresee the future... But It can...
It warns me when I deviate... yet I do it...
But it has a soft corner for me... ‘cause it handles it all...
It has decided a fate for me which I want to see..
It gives me clues in my dreams... But silly me cannot interpret it....
Now when I’m talking to it... it is angry with me...
I don’t know the reason... its thundering...
But its like my beloved who cries with me when it is angry with me…
And it’s raining.... I bade myself good bye to talk to it...


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