
Dashed through the window pane, the heat of the sun
I woke up with the contemplation of a monotonous day
I gazed the sky and admired its elements

I envied the free bird for it had no boss over it to yell and cry,
No responsibilities, no deadliness, just freedom.
I realized its responsibility to feed its child
Its deadlines to protect its nest before the wind blew its existence in a jerk
Its freedom caged by humans.

I envied the dazzling sky studded with sometimes the sun or the moon and stars
It had the glories which I aspired in the form of diamonds and medals.
I realized they were trivial before its lifeless vastness
These glories were momentary during day or night but never forever

I envied the charismatic sun that gave life and was the most powerful of all elements.
It had the power I desired.
Its presence was missed when it is not there
I realized even the one whom he loved was burned to ashes in its heat
And there it stood alone with its power

I envied the glorious moon for it was loved by all and looked remarkable dressed in white
It had the beauty I admired
It was adored the way I desired
I realized it had craters thus not flawless
It was adorable yet it was lonely

Finally I realized the grass is always green on the other side.
I was happier than the elements I envied.


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